
トレント仕入れたモリッシーのライブ(Morrissey, Santiago, Chile - SUE II Festival (Nov. 4, 2004) )を聴いてみた。
高校生のときはHatful of Hollowなんかをよく聴いたもんだ。ギターマガジンの特集を見ながら、This Charming Man や Bigmouth Strikes Again のリフを練習したりね。
それにしてもモリッシー、相変わらずお変わりない様子。スミス時代の曲ではオーディエンスも大合唱だ。いまになって思えば、The Smithsのファーストの時点で彼のキャラクターは確立してしまってたんだな。

Before "Bigmouth Strikes Again", Morrissey enquired about his opening act "Did you enjoy PJ Harvey? (crowd: yes!) I did... Do you enjoy life? (crowd: yes!) I don't!". Of course the subject of American politics came up and Morrissey expressed his disappointment in the results. Before "Such A Little Thing Makes Such A Big Difference", he said "We are horrified about the results of the elections in the Divided States of America" and shortly after he added "Say whatever you want, we may be all blown over soon". Besides that there was the usual chat with globetrotter fan Julia Riley in the front rows and the usual lyric changes such as the Walkman to iPod change in "Bigmouth Strikes Again".
"Do you like Argentina? (N-O-!) Do you like Peru??(N-O-!) WHY??"


B0007KTB0ILive at Earls Court

by G-Tools
B00002496WHatful of Hollow

by G-Tools